I Need A Lover (Full song: 3m37s)
I Need Your Love (Full Song: 2m58s)
I Wish (Full Song: 3m29s)
Ocean Pearl (Full Song: 3m37s)
Seduction (Full Song: 3m35s)
Where is the Love (Full Song: 2m59s)
Marry You (Full Song: 3m05s)
If you would like to purchase one or more of these songs, please contact us
More Precious than Diamonds (Full Song: 3m03s)
Never Break Down (Full Song: 3m14s)
Let Me In (Full Song: 3m09s)
Broken Vows (Full Song: 3m40s)
Feeling You (Full Song: 3m34s)
Celui Que Je Desire (Full Song: 3m23s)
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